Area: 22, , Population: 2,293,896 , Capital: Imphal
Principal Languages: Manipuri, Hindi and English
Best time to visit: October to May/June
The state of Manipur shares 352 km common international boundary with Myanmar and lies south of Nagaland, north of Mizoram and east of Assam. Foreign tourists earlier needed Restricted Area Permit to visit Manipur has been lifted recently for 1 year from January, 2011 onwards. Imphal, the capital of Manipur has a total geographical area of 1228 sq km and a population of 7,07,284. Kingfisher, Air India and Jet Airways connect Imphal with Guwahati, Silchar, Aizawl, Kolkata and Delhi. Dimapur 216 km from Imphal is the nearest railhead for Manipur. Imphal is connected by a network of roads with all important cities and towns in the North Eastern region. Blessed with an amazing variety of flora and fauna, 67% of the geographical area of Manipur is hill tract covered forests. There are 500 varieties of orchids which grow in Manipur of which 472 have been identified. In addition to “Siroi Lily” which is the only terrestrial lily grown on the hill tops of Siroi Hill, Ukhrul. However, the most unique is the Sangai, the dancing deer. The floating mass of vegetation on the Loktak Lake sustains small herds of this endemic deer which unfortunately has the dubious distinction of being the most threatened Cervid (Known as Phumdi) in the World.
Foreign Turists: All tourist from outside India intending to visit the state can visit Manipur freely now as the entire area of the state of Manipur has been excluded from the protected Area Regime subject to the following conditions:
1) Citizen of Afghanistan, China and Pakistan and foreign nationals having their origin in these countries would continue to require prior approval of the Ministry of Home Affairs before their visit to the state of Manipur.
2) Citizen of Myanmar visiting the state of Manipur beyond 16 Kms From the Indo-Myanmar border Would continue to require parior approval of the Ministry of Home Affairs before visiting the state.
3) All foreigners visiting Manipur will register themselves with the Superintendent of poliuce (CID/SB), Manipur who has been designated as Foreigners Registration Officer(FRO) of the state within 24 hours of their arrival. Check points are established at entry point’s i.e at Imphal Airport, Mao and Jiribam.
4) Foreigner Missionaries visiting the state of Manipur may be given Missionary Visas” as per the provision of chapter 7 of the visa manual.
All domestic tourists intending to visit Manipur via Dimapur/Kohima require Innerline Permit to pass through Nagaland. These are issued by Liaison officers of Govt.of Nagaland at New Delhi, Kolkata, Guwahati, Shillong, Sub Divisional Officer (Civil), Dimapur
Manipur is a land of festivities, merriment and mirth all year round. A year in Manipur presents a cycle of festivals. Hardly a month passes without a festival or two being celebrated. To the Manipuri’s, festivals are symbols of their cultural, social and religious aspirations.
Celebrated for five days commencing from the full moon day of phalguna (February/March),yaoshang is an important festival of Manipur. The Thabalchongba,a Manipuri folk dance where boys and girls holds together and sing and in a circle, is particularly associated with this festival. Yaoshang to Manipur is what Durga puja is to Bengal, Dewali in north India and Bihu to Assam.
Gaan-Ngai is an important festival of the KabuiNagas. The festival opens with omen taking cremony on the first day. The rest of the days are assopciaated with Common feast, dances of old men and women and of boys and girls,and presentation of gifts amongst themselves.
During the festival special festive dishes are prepared whish are first offered to various deities Celebrated during month of April apart of the ritual entails villagers Climbeing the nearest hill tops in belief that it will enable them to rise to greater heights in their worldly life.
It is a collective festival of Nagas observed on the 15th day of February every year. This is a seed sowing festival after which tribes belonging to the naga group begin their cultivation.Social Gatherings,songs,dances and rejoicings highlight the festivity This annual festival also plays a great role in boosting the morale and in strengthening the bond of Naga Solidarity
This is a boat racing festival celebrated in the month of September.Long narrow boats are used to accommodate a large number of rawers.Idol of Lord Vishnu is installed before the commencement of the race
Once of the greatest festivals of the Hindus of Manipur, this festival is celebrated in the month of july Lord Jagannath leaves his temple in a Chariot Known as “Kang” in Manipur puiied by devotees who vie with one another for this honour.
It is one of the biggest festivals of the Meiteis. Married doughter of the family come to their parental houses along with their children and enjoy sumptuous feats.It is an occasion for family reunion and gifting. It is celebrated on the second day of the new moon
It is an autumn festival of the different tribes of the kuki-chin-Mizo groups of Manipur. The festival has been variously describe at different places amongst different tribes as Chavangkut, Khodou,etc.It is a joyous occasion for the villager whose food stock is bountiful after a year of is observed on the 1″ November every year.
Like polo, Khongkangjei is also a popular game for the Manipuris. The gam is played between two teams with sven players on either side and each player is equipped with a bamboo root in a field of 200 X 80 yards in area. A player may carry the ball in any manner to the goal. He may even kick it but he has to score the goal only, by hitting the ball with his stick. There is no goal line completely. A player often encounters an opponent in his attempt at carrying or hitting the ball towards the goal. The encounter may develop into a trial of strenght which is indigenously known as Mukna. The game requires much physical stamina, speed and agility.
This is agame similar to wrestling played between two male rivals for trial of strendht by us of sheer physical built, weight or age are made to complete with ach other. Mukna is a highly popular the olden days, the game enjoyed royal patronage.
“Yubi” mens coconut and “Lakpi” means snatching in the manipur Lamguage. Here each side has 7 players in a field measuring 45mX18m in area. One end of the field has a rectangular box 4.5mX3m,one side of which froms the central portion of the goal line. To score a goal, a player has to approach the goal from the front with his oiled coconut and pass the goal line. The coconut serves the purpose of a ball and is offered to te king or the judges who sit just beyond the goal line. However, in ancient times, the teams were not equally matched as the player with coconut had to tackle all the rest of the player.
Played out between two teams on the mud floor of a big out- house, fixed targts are hit with the “Kang”, a flat and oblong object made eithr ivory or lac. Normally each team has 7 male partners. The game is also playd as a mixed- doubles contest. Playd strictly during the period btween “Cheiraoba” and the Rath Yatra Fstival.Manipur’s religiously adhere to it’s timeframe as a popular belief holds that in case the gam is played outside the prescribed period,evil spirits would invade the mind of players and spectators alike.
Associated with religious rites, this boat race is genrally held in the month of November at Thangapat and the Loktak Lake. The boat called Hiyang Hirn believed to be invested with spiritual powers. The Meiteis blieve that worship of the Hiyang Hiren will negelate evil omens. The rowers wear traditional dresses and head gears. This game is also conducted during times of natural calamity.
The Manipuri Sagolkangjei has been adopted by the International Community and is now played worldwide as Polo. The “PUYAS” trace it to the mythological agewhen the game was believed to be played by the Gods. The game is played between two teams with 7 players on each side mounted on ponnis which are often not more than 4/5 feet in height. Each players is Equipped with a polo stick made of csne having narrow angld wooden head fixed at the striking end. The ball is made from bamboo roof. The mounted players hit the ball into the goal. Extremely vigorous, the game is now played in two styles-the PANA or Original Manipuri style and the international style as polo > It is exhilarating to se Manipuri players in their sixties riding ponies are also decorated fully with various gurds protecting the eyes, forehead, flanks,etc. The British learned the game of sagolkangji in the 19th century from Manipur and after refinement, it was introducd to the world as polo.
Manipur cuisine is simple and healthy. Dishes are typically boiled smoked or spicy foods that us chilli pepper. The staple diet of Manipur consists of rice, leafy vegetables, fish and meat. ‘Ngari’ or fermnted ish is a popular ingredient in the dishes. ‘Umorok’. an extremely hot chilli is another favourite ingredient among the people. The mals are simple but very well prepared. One has to taste them to believe it.
Manipur is a mosaic of ancient traditions and rich cultural patterns.In the field of art and culture, the State is bst represented by its classicaland folk dance forms. Raasleelas depict the leelas (Sports) of Lord Krishna as achild with Gopis(Milkmaids) of Brindavan.and express their yearning for communion with the ‘Lord’. The Raas Dance id perfectly lyrical and has extremely graceful movements,
Lai Haraoba
A spring festival, “Lai-Haraoba” celebrated during Aprill-May is symbolized by a traditional stylized and ritualistic dance performed for peace and prosperity.
The seat of Manipur’s power till 1891, the historical embodiment of Manipuri Rulers and the people of Manipur, Kangla has a special place in hearts and minds of the people of Manipur. The fort is its heyday was spread across a 640-acre area but as it is now,covers an expanse of a little over 240 acres. The existence of this fort dates back to 33 AD, when the mythical God-King of Manpur, Nogdalairenpakhangba first ascended the throne. The old Govindagee temple, outer and inner moat and other relics are perfect reflection of the art and architectural heritage of Manipur
Ima Keithel of Mother’s Market is probably the only market in the world where all the stalls are run by women. At least 4000 women run their business here and they vary from the young to old and belong to different religions and tribes.
It is split into three sections divided by roads. Vegetables, fruits, fishes and household groceries are sold in one section and exquisite handlooms and household tools in the other.
A historic vaishnavite centre, adjoining the royal palace of Manipur’s former Maharajas, the Govindajee temple is one of the more popular destinations for the tourists. Twin gold plated domes, a paved courtyard and a large raised congregation hall form a perfect backdrop for priests who descend the steps to accept offerings from devotees in the courtyard. The shrines of Lord Krishna and Balaram and jagannath flank the two sides of the presiding deity. Early hour prayer(Aarti) is a must for devoted followers, exuding spiritual fervor and ecstasy.
Commemorating the memories of the British and Indian soldiers who died during the World War II, these war cemeteries are managed by the commonwealth war Graves Commission. Serene and well-maintained, the war cemetery carry little stone markers and bronze plaques recording the sacrifices of the gallant soldiers.
KhonghampatOrchidarium is an exquisite orchid garden located in imphal, Maintained by the state’s Forest Department, this beautiful garden is not just visited but even revisited by tourists every year. The garden is graced with over 300 varieties of orchids and appears like a grand mural of blooming flora.
Sprawling across 200 acres of land, this garden exudes a sweet fragrance that is bound to leave you deeply mesmerised. Here, you can find rarely seen flowers, some of which resemble to lizard, moth and bee in shape. Cymbidium, cattleya, Dendrobium and Vanda are the most beautiful orchid species found here. the besttime to visit this garden is during March-April which is the peak blooming season.
This cultural complex is at Andro village(about 26 Kms) from the capital. Hereartifacts of the state and from all over the north east are housed, such as pottery collection rare coins, rare manuscripts of the state, paintings, basketries,bell metals.jewelleries,wood carving etc. There are exacts replicas of the houses from different tribes and groups of the state like: poumai, kabui, Meitei, Kuki, Tangkhul etc.
A tribute to the courageous Manipuri women who sacrifices rheir lives fighting for justice against the British on 12th December. 1939
The “sadu chiru falls” is a picturesque waterfall in the foothills of sadu chiru Hills. Although technically under thesenapati District of Manipur, the waterfall’s propinquity to leimaram in Bishnupur district has given it the popular name of ‘Leimaram waterfall. Although the place is reported to have three scenic waterfalls, only the nearest to the foothills have been made accessible to the public.
The ‘leimaramFalla”, since being opened as a tourist spot, has become apopular picnic destination for tourists and local populace alike. The falls is located ashort distance away from Imphal, the capital town of Manipur (India) with only a road distance of about 23 kilometres from the town.
Loktak lake is the largest freshwater lake in Northeast India and is famous for the phumdis (haterogeneous mass of vegetation, soil and organic matter at various stages of decomposition) floating over it. The lake is Inhabited by local villagers who build thatched Huts on these floating “island” and make their way about the lake in dugout canoes. More peculiar than the floating villages are the large.perfectly circular fishing ponds created out floating rings of weeds. The morning sunrise over the lake is also a sight to behold.
The kelibullamjao National park is situated 53 kam from Imphal on the fringes of the Loktak Lake. It is the only floating National park in the world and serve as the last natural habitat of “sangai”” the dancing deer of Manipur. A glimpse of the deer in unique wetland ecosystem is a must for any wildlife ent6husiast. Hog deer, otter and a host of water fowls and migratory birds can also be sighted during November to March.
The Indian National Army (INA) war Museum in the INA Memorial Complex in Moirang is the only official museum dedicated to the Second World War in the only official museum dedicated to the Second World War in Manipur today. Its focus is primarily on the rise of the INA and on the role and activities of Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose in particular. Relics of war from across Manipur dating back to 1944, including arms and ammunition, bayonets, helmets and bottles, among others, are also displayed here. Khwairamband Bazar
Red Hill Lokpaching,located on Tiddim Road,is a place of great historical significance. This memorial lies about 17km from Imphal city. It is the where British and Japanese armies fought an illfated battle during World War II.
The Japanese war Memorial or the Indian peace Memorial is located at the foot of this hill. This is the only Japanese war memorial in India.
This is a busy commercial town on the Indo-Myanmar border, located at a distance of 110 km from Imphal.A shopping paradise for shoppers, sundry products ranging from electronics to daily consumables are available in plenty. This place holds importance of visiting tourists not only for being a border town but also for providing a unique opportunity for experience the different culture, lifestyles of Myanmar through the neighbouring border town of tamu which is only 5km away across the border.
Khongjom Warn Memorial, Located 36 kms. FromImphal on the Indo-Myanmar road has a important historical significance.It was here that Major General paonaBrajabashi,one of the great warriors of Manipur proved his velour against the superior might of the invading British Army in 1891.A war memorial has been constructed on top of the kheba hill. Khongjom Day is observed every year on 23 april here.
The Land of the Tangkhuls made as a full fledge district in 1969. It lies 84 Km to the east of Imphal. The best time to visit Ukhrul is during summer becouse of its cool and pieasant summer. Winter in Ukhrul can be chilled even it snowed in the mountain range of Shirui park.It is the home to Shiroy lily and Sirarakhong is famous for its chilli known as Sirarakhonghathei and it is a part of the yu river basin.
Churachandpur District lies about 66 km from Imphal along the Tiddim Road. It is the fifth largest district in Manipur in terms of population. The major tribes are kuki, Chin and Mizo including paite, Hamar, Simte, Gangte, Zou, Vaiphei. Tonglon cave is one of the most visited tourist spots of Churchandpur District, It is about 32 Km from Churachandpur town.
Another famous site of the district is Khuga Dam, which is on the southern part of the town. It was inaugurated by congress president Sonia Gandhi in 2010. The artificial lake formed by the dam is totally fascinating.
Ngaloi waterfall attracts hordes of tourist. Located in the Ngaloi village, the cascading water from the fall adds to the splendor of the surrounding.
Chaklaphai (singhat), Tribal Museum, Behiang, kaihlam Hill Range and Manipur Mountaineering Institute, Lamdan are other attraction
It is a truly mesmerising green valley and easily most picturesque place in Senapati District located bordering Nagaland,It is famous for the rare terrestrial lily called “DZUKO LILY” and the enchanting snow clad valley during January & February. The heighest peak of Manipur “Mount Iso” is also located behind this valley. The rare Dzuko Lily is found only in this valley.